I just watched the documentary film Milk by Noemi Weis. Although the documentary is not very well focused, it's messages are powerful.
She celebrates womanhood and motherhood and shows us how we work together and support each other to protect birth and breastfeeding. She also shows us how women, on an international scale, are sometimes exploited in birth and in feeding their infants.
Formula milk has its place but Weis exposes the exploitative nature of formula companies. Lack of education with manipulative marketing has led to a rise in infant malnutrition in some countries within Africa, Asia and South America. Breastmilk is a precious commodity for mothers in vulnerable countries and governments should do more to protect it. No child should go hungry.
It was interesting to me that the USA does not comply with the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and often "gift" mothers with artificial milk products and paraphernalia before and after the baby is born.
There is obviously a lot that needs to be done to promote and protect breastfeeding, not just in vulnerable communities, but all over the world.
"It should not be the corporate dream to the feed the baby, but the mothers"